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SCAOR Card – Issue #007 – Public Policy

Hello all!  We’ve created subcommittee to follow the Sussex Comprehensive Plan development.  We attended the Sussex Comp Plan Workshop on 3/29 regarding: Future Land Use.  Next Sussex Comp Plan Workshop will be April 10th. Public welcome.  April 21st will be a workshop to set the next round of “townhall” meetings as the County hosted in the Fall of 2016.
We are having a bus for May 17th Legislative Day (formerly known as Mid Year). With a $15 RPAC Contribution you will be provided coach bus transportation to and from DC and the Realtor Trade Show, as well as Capital Hill.

SCAOR Card – Issue #007 – Membership this Month

Here’s a list of our new members since our last SCAOR Card.  Welcome aboard!

New Members - March 2017

Date Member Type Member Name 
2/23/17 Primary James B. Moore
2/23/17 Primary David DePaul
2/23/17 Secondary John Ford
3/1/17 Primary Marianna Daria Rowe
3/1/17 Primary Danielle Lecakes
3/2/17 Primary Theresa Embrey
3/6/17 Primary Ingrid Mall Kollist
3/8/17 Primary Melissa Rudy
3/8/17 Primary MaryAnn Benyo
3/9/17 Primary Mitchell Brittingham
3/9/17 Primary Jaclyn Hesson
3/13/17 Primary Devon Paul Senft
3/14/17 Primary William B Barry
3/14/17 Primary Nadezda Klimova
3/14/17 Primary Beverly S Mister
3/14/17 Primary Jesus Leon- Serrato
3/16/17 Primary Nicholas Alfano
3/16/17 Primary Casey Price
3/21/17 Primary Robert K Taylor
3/22/17 Primary Lynn Andrews
3/23/17 Primary Yvonne Calhoun
3/28/17 Primary William Novy III
3/28/17 Primary Catherine Kougoures
3/28/17 Secondary Ryan Mullins
3/29/17 Primary Wendy O’Conor
3/29/17 Primary Clint Anderson 
3/29/17 Primary Dominick Scott


SCAOR Card – Issue #007 – From the CEO’s Desk

Welcome to another edition of the monthly SCAORcard. As your CEO, I have exciting news from the March BOD meeting. The BOD approved the following capital improvement projects this spring. First, the rear parking lot will be improved with new stone. Second, all lighting throughout the facility will be replaced with LED bulbs thus saving on annual electric bills. Third, external parking lights will be replaced with LED bulbs to reduce costs and improve lighting for evening events. Lastly, cracked tiles will be replaced inside the facility. As any facility manager understands, replacing and renovating in the short-term saves money in the long-term. Another project in the works is replacing the landscaping in front of the building. The existing plants and shrubs are overgrown and could be replaced with a new design.

The new lockboxes will be delivered in mid-July with a swap out designated week of July 24-28. Please reserve that week as a time when you will be asked to visit SCAOR and replace your current lockboxes. To summarize, the BOD approved purchasing 4,200 wireless lockboxes at the January BOD meeting. All association lockboxes will be replaced. Stay tuned for more information.

Lastly, I just returned from the 2017 Association Executives Institute in Denver, CO with Angela Emerson. We spent one day at a certified Professional Standards Administration class and two days attending numerous seminars / workshops on leadership, management, advocacy, technology, RPAC fundraising, customer service, community outreach, marketing and NAR policies. Overall, it was a great conference and we are looking forward to attending in 2018. Speaking of conferences, mid-year is around the corner in Washington D.C. For those not familiar with the legislative meetings in Washington D.C. from May 15-20 this is a time when REALTORS and leadership advance the real estate industry while attending meetings and a trade show. SCAOR leadership and management will be attending on your behalf. If you have time, drive over for the trade show on the 18th and 19th!

Thank you again for everything you do to promote home ownership throughout Sussex County. We have an active and vibrant association with over 1500 members and growing. If you ever need anything, feel free to email me at or call me at (302) 855-2300.


Merritt Burke IV


SCAOR Card – Issue #007 – Education with Angela Emerson

It’s hard to believe the first quarter of 2017 is coming to a close. Now you only have one year to complete all your CE! That’s right, only 12 months left! AHHHHH…Don’t worry – we will have many opportunities for you to take advantage of. You can find all our CE offerings and more by visiting

Attention New Agents: 
You receive New Salesperson Module 1 with New Member Orientation. Knock out New Salesperson Modules 2 & 3 on April 11 and 4 on April 20.

Rental Summit:
April 12, Michael Morton joins us for our Rental Summit. Module 1 Agency & Fair Housing will be offered in the morning and Module 5 or 6 Being a Prepared Tenant in the afternoon. Michael knows all about that Landlord/Tenant Code. He should. He wrote it!

National Speaker – Marc Cunningham:
Marc Cunningham joins us April 19. He will present Success is Not an Accident – 10 Necessary Behaviors to Win Business. This class is approved for Module 7. Marc will dive on in and tackle 1- of the most critical areas of business success and define how you can start implementing them TODAY!

Puerto Rico – Education Adventure:
Have you heard? We only have a few rooms left. The week of October 15 SCAOR will be visiting Puerto Rico for the low price of $197 per person per night. This is an ALL INCLUSIVE opportunity. We will be offering DE, MD and PA credits! Bonus tax write off!

We are in the planning stages of the Fall Brokers course so be on the look out for more information coming soon.

– Thanks, and as always, it’s a pleasure to serve,
– Angela Emerson


SCAOR Card – Issue #007 – YPN

Our YPN (Young Professionals Network) is up and running!  We’re in the beginning stages of planning our first major event, and are excited about the growing momentum of this group.  To learn more about YPN, check out their blog & help support the future leaders of tomorrow.

About the 2017 YPN Chair:
Emily Williams is a lifetime resident of Delaware. She has a degree in Education and focuses on listening to the needs of others. Emily, raised in northern Delaware, has relocated to the fast growing area of the Delaware Beaches.

Emily is a full-time professional REALTOR® and says, “I love my job!” These days, if not selling property or volunteering for a worthy cause, she is continuing to further her education and stay on top of the current trends.  In her spare time she enjoys going to the beach, spending time with friends and family, working out and reading.

Send us an email if you’re interested in finding out more about YPN!


SCAOR Card – Issue #007


The SCAOR Card – Volume #007

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“Ethics, Education and Advocacy.”

From the CEO’s Desk – 

Merritt shares updates on capital improvements, the new lockboxes, and upcoming events.  It’s an exciting time to be a Sussex County REALTOR®!






Bright MLS Update at Thursday’s Broker’s Meeting – 

Miss the Broker’s meeting on Thursday?  Catch up with our On-Demand video of Mike Carlin presenting an update on Bright MLS’s Progress.







2016 Year in Review

Education Update with Angela Emerson – 

Angela Emerson is our resident staff RCE, MBA, & Executive Assistant with over five years of experience in association management.  She is your  “go-to” for education and professional standards, and has some exciting CE events in the works!






DAR Forms – 

All DAR members are entitled to free online forms via zipforms or dotloop.  Any current REALTOR® who is not a DAR member can either purchase a one-year forms subscription for $129, or they can join DAR.







YPN –  

Our Newly Formed YPN Committee is now meeting, and we’re already planning our first event.  Learn more about our new chair, Emily Williams.







New Plan Subcommittee Formed in Public Policy – 

Here’s what’s happening with Public Policy:  We’re keeping on top of the comp plan & related workshops.  Click the update to find out all the details! 







Membership – This Month’s Stats 

SCAOR is made up of some of the finest people in Sussex County.  Here’s who’s joined in February! –  BONUS – Check out our updated Membership Video for navigating new membership choices. 







DAR Update – Bruce Plummer Video – 

Bruce Plummer, president of DAR, and Andy Taylor, legal counsel, offered a solution to a 1 percent increase in the property transfer tax in Dover.









"Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” - Stephen R. Covey


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Tech Tip Tuesday - Navigating SCAOR Membership Types

Tech Tip Tuesday – #055 – Navigating SCAOR Membership Types


Welcome back to Tech Tip Tuesday!

This is your ultra-fast, easy dose of the latest tech that can help your life as a REALTOR®.  Whether it’s using the MLS, Mobile Apps, or surfing around, we’ll give you the tools you need each Tuesday.

Tech Tip Tuesday – #055 – Navigating SCAOR Membership Types

Today’s Tip:

Today, we look at how to navigate the different types of membership available here at SCAOR.

At a Glance - March 27, 2017

At a Glance – for March 27, 2017


“At A Glance” – For March 27, 2017 – Have you seen this video?

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Access to DAR Forms will be removed from the SCAOR® MLS in downloadable PDF form on April 15, 2017.

DAR forms will be then be exclusively available via zipForm and Dotloop only for DAR members. Don’t wait to make the switch! 

To begin using DAR forms via either zipForm or Dotloop, use the instructions at



Click here to see all available classes.




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Sussex County Association of REALTORS® · 23407 Park Avenue · Georgetown, DE 19947 · USA


Sussex County Association of Realtors

Phone: 302-855-2300 | Fax: 302-855-2319

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