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SCAORCard – Issue #004 – Public Policy

Public Policy:

  • Public Policy is revving up for an exciting time! Stay “tuned” for our exciting announcement!!!
  • Some immediate dates of interest of outside networking events:  January 4th is the monthly S.C.A.T meeting being held at Baywood. SCAOR will be represented by our new President, Brigit Taylor, PPC Chairman Bob McVey and PPC staff liaison, Patricia Anderson.
  • January 10th is the Inaugural Sussex County Prayer Breakfast from 7:30am-9:00am. This is a yearly event bringing state, county, and local elected offiicials together, along with community supporters, and businesses for a time of networking and prayer for the elected officials before they are sworn into office.  SCAOR has been a consistent supporter of this event and would welcome all those that would like to join us the morning of January 10th.  
  • The Sussex County Comprehensive Plan continues to move forward so stay tuned for new updates as we receive them.
Rental Affairs (RAC):
  • We are gearing up for a new year and preparing early for the biggest short term rental season!  RAC will be representing SCAOR at two trade shows in 2017.  One in Washington DC in January and one in Pittsburg, PA in March.  
  • RAC is working to revamp some of the nomination/applications for our Alma Ashley Award, awarded to a deserving Rental Agent at the end of year!
Lots going on and excited to share with you as 2017 starts to unwrap before us!!!  
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a safe and happy New Year to everyone from PPC and RAC!
See ya next year!!
Kindest Regards,
Patricia L. Anderson


SCAORCard – Issue #004


The SCAOR Card – Volume #004

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Contribute to one of these great organizations:


Audio Interview with 2017 President Brigit Taylor – 

We sit down with 2017 SCAOR President Brigit Taylor and talk where we’ve come from, where we are, and what 2017 holds for us in regards to Bright MLS.







From the CEO’s Desk – 

In this month’s issue, Merritt reviews 2016, and goes over the 2017 gameplan to lock step with our Strategic Plan.







2016 Year in Review

The Installation of Brigit Taylor – 

If you missed SCAOR’s Installation event earlier this month, have no fear!  You can catch up right here.  






Technology – 

In 2017, the future of technology is brighter than ever.  Click to see some of the things in store for SCAOR.







Education – 

Are you newly licensed within the last year?  Angela Emerson has some essential info regarding the Newly Licensed Salesperson Modules that you need to know.







Communications Survey Results – 

This month, Andrew talks about our Communications Survey earlier this month, what we’ve learned, and what changes are coming in 2017.







Public Policy – 

Rev up your engines!  Here is what’s happening in Public Policy & Rental Affairs this month:







Affiliates Committee – 

2017 is going to be an incredible year!  We recap 2016, and look to the new year.







Reminder:  All unpaid 2017 SCAOR dues must be paid before January 3rd at 4PM.

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. - Anne Frank


Copyright © 2016 Sussex County Association of REALTORS®, All rights reserved.

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How Does RPAC Benefit You?

How Does RPAC Benefit You?

During the election cycle in the United States, attention had been focused on the large amounts of cash politicians were raising for their respective campaigns and, more importantly, where that money is coming from.

Well, the answer is simple – A LOT.
For the most part – from people or organizations who favor the opinions and ideology of a specific candidate.

As REALTORS®, we have our favorite candidates – and that’s why we have the national REALTOR® Political Action Committee (RPAC) to protect our interests and support candidates who publicly support the American Dream of home ownership.

Many of you have generously supported RPAC over the years and understand the important of doing so. Some have contributed more than others, and that’s okay.

But the work of RPAC and of the REALTOR® Party is important in so many ways, and it can and does actively help us all in our businesses.

Here are a few ways how:

  1. By protecting your business against new regulations and fees. These can become burdensome and expensive if allowed to go unchecked, and it’s up to us to support candidates who will lessen the “red tape” for us and our businesses.
  2. By protecting the property rights of your clients. By contributing to RPAC, you’re helping elect leaders who will protect these rights and will fight to keep homeowners from being unnecessarily burdened by government.
  3. By educating leaders on REALTORS® A percentage of the funds raised through RPAC is used for spreading our message and illustrating how important the real estate business – YOUR business – is to the American economy.

There are just a few of the ways contributing to RPAC can help your business locally, and can help further the REALTOR® cause regionally and nationally.

Won’t you consider donating even a small amount today through SCAOR? You can easily do so by clicking HERE.


And to learn more about the RPAC program, visit the RPAC page on the National Association of REALTORSâ Website.


Here’s the link to the page –

Tech Tip Tuesday - #047 – Planning Projects using Trello

Tech Tip Tuesday – #047 – Planning Projects using Trello


Welcome back to Tech Tip Tuesday!

This is your ultra-fast, easy dose of the latest tech that can help your life as a REALTOR®.  Whether it’s using the MLS, Mobile Apps, or surfing around, we’ll give you the tools you need each Tuesday.

Tech Tip Tuesday – #047 – Planning Projects using Trello

Today’s Tip:

Today, we look at free collaboration / white boarding / planning tool: Trello.

Tech Tip Tuesday - Mailchimp

Tech Tip Tuesday – #046 – Sending an Email Newsletter Using Mailchimp


Welcome back to Tech Tip Tuesday!

This is your ultra-fast, easy dose of the latest tech that can help your life as a REALTOR®.  Whether it’s using the MLS, Mobile Apps, or surfing around, we’ll give you the tools you need each Tuesday.

Tech Tip Tuesday – #046 – Sending an Email Newsletter Using Mailchimp

Today’s Tip:

Today we look at one option for sending out your first email newsletter.  Mailchimp.

Sussex County Association of Realtors

Phone: 302-855-2300 | Fax: 302-855-2319

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