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Tech Tip Tuesday - #041 - How to prepare property details in RPR®

Tech Tip Tuesday – #041 – Preparing Property Details in RPR®


Welcome back to Tech Tip Tuesday!

This is your ultra-fast, easy dose of the latest tech that can help your life as a REALTOR®.  Whether it’s using the MLS, Mobile Apps, or surfing around, we’ll give you the tools you need each Tuesday.

Tech Tip Tuesday – #041 – Preparing Property Details in RPR®

Today’s Tip:

How to do get granular-level details on properties in RPR®

At a Glance for November 7th


“At A Glance” – FREE Tech Seminar on November 18th!

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Screen to Screen with Doug Devitre – November 18


Special Announcement! – Bright MLS Meeting 


We’ll be holding an Bright MLS meeting here at SCAOR on November 9th at 1:30 PM for members and brokers to hear from the CEO of TREND MLS.  Feel free to catch up on all the info regarding Bright MLS here.


Interested in helping to shape the voice of real estate in Sussex County?  Sign up to join a team of people as interested in making a difference as you are!  (Professional Standards, Public Policy, Marketing, and more available for the 2017 year!)

Sign up here!


Remember that SCAOR yearly membership renewal is due by November 15th.  You can do that at any time by clicking here.  

Upcoming Classes:

MLS & Realist Training:
MLS & REALIST Training – November 22
MLS & REALIST Training – December 7

Module 2:

NAR Ethics – December 1
NAR Ethics – December 15

Module 1:

Agency & Fair Housing – November 22

Module 3:

Real Estate Documents – November 22

Upcoming Events:

November 18 – “Screen to Screen” with National Speaker, Doug Devitre (Sign up Here!)
December 7 – Affiliates Present NYC Bus Trip (Sign up Here!)



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Sussex County Association of REALTORS® · 23407 Park Avenue · Georgetown, DE 19947 · USA


The Three P’s of Selling a Listing

Special Announcement! – Bright MLS Meeting –

We’ll be holding an Bright MLS meeting here at SCAOR on November 9th at 1:30 PM for members and brokers to hear from the CEO of TREND MLS.  Feel free to catch up on all the info regarding Bright MLS here.

Blog Post: The Three P’s of Selling a Listing

A study conducted recently by the National Association of REALTORS® revealed that the most important thing sellers wanted from their real estate agents is to “help them market their home to potential buyers.”  Obvious, huh?

 But apparently, enough agents around the country are not performing well enough in this area, and that’s a concern for sellers.  Sure, you list the home on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), put a sign in the yard and start spreading the word about this great new listing that you have – certainly, these are all things you should be doing.

But there’s so much more that you can (and should!) do for your clients when marketing and promoting their homes. These include social media marketing, online referrals and many more.

Today, we want to focus on the “Three Ps” that you should always keep in mind when marketing your clients’ properties.

And they are:

  • Preparation.  The two most important aspects in this area are staging and photography. Be sure that the home is staged properly and is inviting for potential buyers who are coming to pay a visit. Additionally (and we can’t stress this enough!), take the time and spend a few bucks on getting professional photos taken of the property. Nice looking photos can make all the difference.
  • Price.  This should go without saying, but pricing the home *correctly* is one of the most important aspects to consider. Correct pricing attracts buyers and offers, which then leads to negotiating the final sale price of the home. Know the market – and price the home accordingly. If not, you run the risk of the home remaining on the market for an extended period of time.
  • Promotion.  Going back to the NAR study above, this is the most important thing sellers look to agents for. Without promotion, not much is going to happen – Who’s going to find your clients’ homes if you don’t get the word out? Use social media, online marketing, your website – whatever it takes.

Remember – Our clients put a lot of faith in us to get their homes sold, so let’s go the extra mile and show them 1) that we care and 2) we can get the job done.

SCAORCard – Issue #002


The SCAOR Card – Volume #002

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Contribute to one of these great organizations:


From the CEO’s Desk – 

In this month’s issue, Merritt shares key thoughts on Bright MLS, our next Board Meeting, and more. 







Technology – 

Did you know that a broker can pay can access or pay dues for their office?  Check it out right here.







Education – 

We’re excited about November 18th.  (And you should be, too!)  Find out more what Angela Emerson has to say regarding National Speaker Doug Divitre’s visit to SCAOR.







Bright MLS – 

How will Bright MLS affect us?  Read the important update on, attend the information meeting on 11/9 at 1:30PM, and watch the above video on the front page of







Communications – 

Our current communication plan is underway, and there are plenty of interesting stats to share about how you’re getting info!







Public Policy – 

What’s happening in Sussex County Government that concerns REALTORS®?  Check out this update to see what’s on the table, and what’s getting passed:








In case you missed DAR’s latest news blast, here’s a recap of a few key issues they’re exploring:








The latest episode of “Voice For Real Estate” is now live.  Catch up on what’s happening around the nation!







Copyright © 2016 Sussex County Association of REALTORS®, All rights reserved.

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Public Policy

SCAORCard Issue #002 – Public Policy Update

Public Policy:
October 11th saw a successful conclusion to the 11month sign ordinance ordeal.  With a little excitement and drama the matter was able to be addressed and a new ordinance is finally available.  You can find that ordinance using this link:
Current watch is the proposed changes the commercial zoning ordinances which would coincide with the Comprehensive Plan 2018. At this time any proposed changes are not available for public view. We will continue to monitor and keep members updated.  Currently, however, it is highly recommended that ALL members make it a point to get to know and watch what is going on with the Comprehensive Plan.  It is our concern that this proposed plan is more of an economic development plan and not a land use plan.  With that said this Comprehensive Plan appears to reduce the growth area for businesses and will make the permitting process much more lengthy than it is now.  It is encouraged that each member take the time to visit and fill out the surveys and to submit their comments.  A copy of the plan can be found on this website.  The next round of public hearings/meetings will be forthcoming in the Spring of 2017.
The Executive Board approved PPC’s request to form a taskforce to monitor the Park Avenue expansion project.  The completion of this project is projected for 2020, however, there are several areas of concern regarding this proposed plan and a close eye needs to be kept on this project.  Mr. Fred Dean was appointed as the chairperson for this new taskforce and one other member has already been brought aboard.  Information will be forthcoming related on how to volunteer for this very important taskforce.
In the Rental Affairs arena we are watching the progress of the proposed amendments to the Rental Program Ordinance for Sussex County.  You can find a copy of the proposed ordinance using this link:
And you can here the public hearing portion of Sussex County Council Meeting of November 1, 2016 by clicking on this attachment: 

SCAORCard Issue #002 – Finances and Membership

Welcome to the second edition of SCAORcard!  
Within the monthly communication from SCAOR you will find valuable information on a variety of topics from education classes to BOD meeting topics.  Speaking of BOD meetings, the next meeting is scheduled for November 17 at 9 am at SCAOR.  Topics include the approval of the FY 2017 Budget, a review of MLS financials and a tentative vote on Bright MLS.  If you would like to learn more about Bright MLS, I encourage you to attend the November 9 meeting with TREND CEO Tom Phillips at SCAOR or contact me directly.  You can also log online to On another note, I encourage you to participate in your trade association as a volunteer.  We are looking for energetic individuals to fill a number of committee seats, so think about it, then call us with your selection.  Lastly, the implementation of RAMCO (new billing and membership software) has allowed members to pay dues more efficiently while allowing you to track education classes.  We hope the new software has increased the value we offer at SCAOR.  
Thank you again for allowing me to serve you.  
Merritt Burke IV


Merritt Burke IV

Chief Executive Officer

Sussex County Association of REALTORS®

SCAORCard Issue #002 – Education Update

Doug Devitre will be visiting SCAOR on November 18. Doug is in the National Association of REALTORS® Business Specialties Hall of Fame. He holds the Certified Speaking Professional Designation from the National Speakers Association.  We hope you won’t want to miss this valuable FREE seminar.

If the success of your business depends upon your ability to communicate, influence, persuade, or present ideas that solve problems, you need to harness the power of screen-to-screen technology to help you get the job done-faster, more efficiently, and more affordably.

Doug promises you show you how to:

  • Boost sales, performance, and customer experience- without being physically present
  • Choose the right technology for the right job and the right budget
  • Prepare the best visuals for every transaction, every client, every time you connect
  • Find the highest-rated apps, software, and online services – at the lowest price possible
  • Visually demonstrate value that only you can provide – in a way that makes you stand out from the competition
  • Conduct meetings, train employees, coach teams and give presentations that captivate audiences – and seal the deal EVERY TIME!

Sound awesome?  It is.  CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP!!

Screen to Screen



SCAORCard Issue #002 – Communication Stats

Hey there!

Andrew Mason here with some interesting stats regarding our communication plan in the last 30 days.  Since October 4th (30 Days Ago):

  • We’ve sent a total of 15,067 emails!
  • You’ve clicked a total of 1,505 links in our emails.
  • We’ve had a total of 30,612 visits to
  • The average time spent on is 3 minutes & 5 seconds
  • We’ve added 123 Twitter Followers for a total of 2,616 Followers
  • We’ve had 296 Post engagements (likes, clicks, detail expands) on our Facebook Page
  • Bonus: We’ve completed 1,291 Support Tickets (MLS / Tech Support) so far in 2016

Back to the SCAORCard

Sussex County Association of Realtors

Phone: 302-855-2300 | Fax: 302-855-2319

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