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The code of ethics cycle

The Code of Ethics Cycle

As members of the National Association of REALTORS®, we all understand and commit to a strict code of ethics. It’s one of the foundations of NAR membership, as it has been for more than a century now.

We know, of course, that a strict adherence to this code is required in order to retain membership in good standing. It’s not debatable or negotiable – it’s one of the long-time tenets of NAR membership.

But it’s also time for a gentle reminder, as the current Code of Ethics Training Cycle is about to come to a close.

The current four-year cycle ends on Dec. 31 this year, so if you haven’t yet completed your training, now is certainly the time to do so.

NAR recently reminded all of its members that failure to complete training ON TIME will lead to suspension of your membership for January and February of next year, with termination of your membership beginning on March 1.

Please don’t cut this too close to the deadline, should something come up at the last minute. Continued membership and good standing in NAR is an essential element of your business, so please take this very seriously.

National bylaws require that all REALTORS® complete ethics training of not less than two-and-a-half hours of instructional time within four-year cycles. The training must meet specific learning objectives and criteria established by the National Association of REALTORS®.

Training may be completed through SCAOR or through other methods, such as home study, correspondence, classroom courses or online courses.

We must all abide by these requirements and commit to these time-honored principles, a few of which include:

  • Be honest with all parties in the transaction. This is not just with the client, but also with the other REALTOR® and his or her clients.
  • Put the client’s interests ahead of your own, at all times. This service is provided regardless of the compensation available.
  • Disclose all pertinent facts regarding the property and the transaction to both buyer and seller. If a REALTOR® believes information provided by a seller is questionable, he or she is obligated to investigate. For example, if a home seller asks his or her REALTOR® to conceal the fact that the roof leaks, the REALTOR® is not permitted to comply.
  • Be truthful in all communications with the public. This ensures that members of the public understand the REALTOR’S® experience and can make an informed decision when choosing real estate representation.

To learn more about the NAR’s Code of Ethics, visit

Tech Tip Tuesday - #038 – Reporting Features in RPR®

Tech Tip Tuesday – #038 – Reporting Features in RPR®


Welcome back to Tech Tip Tuesday!

This is your ultra-fast, easy dose of the latest tech that can help your life as a REALTOR®.  Whether it’s using the MLS, Mobile Apps, or surfing around, we’ll give you the tools you need each Tuesday.

Tech Tip Tuesday – #038 – Reporting Features in RPR®

Today’s Tip:

Today we delve into the reporting features of REALTOR® Property Resource.

Tech Tip Tuesday - #037 – Comprehensive MLS Portal

Tech Tip Tuesday – #037 – Comprehensive MLS Portal Overview


Welcome back to Tech Tip Tuesday!

This is your ultra-fast, easy dose of the latest tech that can help your life as a REALTOR®.  Whether it’s using the MLS, Mobile Apps, or surfing around, we’ll give you the tools you need each Tuesday.

Tech Tip Tuesday – #037 – Comprehensive MLS Portal Overview

Today’s Tip:

If you’ve always wondered how the MLS portal worked, but were never quite sure, this tutorial is for you. We go in-depth on the features of the MLS portal.

Road Rally Sign Up – October 20th



A Few Rules for the Road:

1. Entry fee $100 per car (includes Driver & Navigator).
2. Driver & Navigator After Party fee is included in registration.
3. Prizes are awarded to the first four cars to return in the fastest time and closest mileage to the SCOAR Chair’s official mileage count.
4. No short cuts are allowed,all entrants must follow the clue list. 
5. No GPS or mobile devises can be used.
6. Each car registered will get a set of clues to follow the day of the event, apprx 5 minutes before they are able to leave.
7. Entrants are encouraged to decorate a theme on their car and have a cheering pit crew.
8. Cars will be divided into to groups, A & B and released accordingly.
9. In the case of a tie, the team that collects the most donations at the event will be declared the winner.

After party – $25.00 

Sound like a blast?  It’s going to be.  Click here to sign up and join us!



Copyright © 2016 Sussex County Association of REALTORS®, All rights reserved.

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SCAORCard – Issue #001

The SCAOR Card – Volume #001

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Contribute to one of these great organizations:


Finances with Merritt – 

In our inaugural issue, CEO Merritt Burke shares a snapshot of where we are, and where we’re headed.  







Education – 

What’s coming down the pipeline in education?  We’ve got some great classes, and we catch up with Angela Emerson to share what’s happening…







Technology – 

A new user portal is launching for billing and education – you will be receiving an email between monday and wednesday next week with instructions on how to access it.







Public Policy – 

There are issues happening all over Sussex County that matter to you.  Patricia Anderson shares the latest updates on the Sign Ordinance and other things YOU need to know…







Communications – 

During our 2016 GMM, we shared our updated communication plan, as well as some interesting stats regarding what’s happened over the last quarter.







SCAOR Committees – 

Check out our list of next meeting dates for each committee.  Stay up to date!







SCAOR Foundation would love to thank all the awesome sponsors that made this year’s Harvest Moon Gala Possible!






DAR Conference – 

DAR just held their yearly conference.  Click here to find out more about committee chairs & REALTOR® of the Year!








The latest episode of “Voice For Real Estate” is now live.  Catch up on what’s happening around the nation!







Copyright © 2016 Sussex County Association of REALTORS®, All rights reserved.

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At a Glance for October 3rd, 2016


“At A Glance” for October 3rd

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At A Glance – Same Communication Piece, New Day!

SCAOR is so excited about the upgrades to our Communication Plan, which will be discussed at today’s General Membership Meeting.  One of these changes is the shifting of “At A Glance” from Wednesday to Monday mornings.  Now, instead of getting association news in the middle of your week, it’ll be ready and waiting in your inbox first thing each Monday morning to start your week.

General Membership Meeting TODAY!

Remember, if you’ve signed up to join us:  Today is the General Membership Meeting at SCAOR at 11:30AM.  Free lunch will be provided, as well as important updates on Bright MLS, our departments, as well as results on our 2017 SCAOR Board.  Join us!

Upcoming Classes:

New Salesperson:

Module 4 – Real Estate Professionalism – October 4th

Module 1:

Agency & Fair Housing – November 22

Module 3:

Real Estate Documents – November 22

Module 5:

Legislative Issues – November 1

MLS & Realist Training:
MLS & REALIST Training –  October 19
MLS & REALIST Training – November 22
MLS & REALIST Training – December 7

Module 2:
NAR Ethics – October 27

Module 4:

Office Management – October 27

Module 6:

Introduction to Commercial Real Estate – November 1

Upcoming Events:

October 6 – DAR Convention


Sussex County Association of Realtors

Phone: 302-855-2300 | Fax: 302-855-2319

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