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Upcoming Festivals in Delaware

How do you market yourself and your real estate services? You probably have a website, maybe put something in the newspaper from time to time and, if you’ve been around long enough, likely get some referrals and worth of mouth advertising.

But what about some of the non-traditional options like giveaways and attending local events and festivals?

Having a presence at some of southern Delaware’s fall festivals, particularly the ones that are in communities where you do business, is a great chance for you to get your name and what you do out in front of the public.

And, the best part is, you can do it for a VERY low cost!

This is fall festival season in southern Delaware, so there are literally events and happenings every weekend between now and the middle of November. Some are smaller and some are bigger – but all are opportunities for you to get some face time with the public and maybe even capture a new client or two.

The Southern Delaware Tourism website is a great option for keeping up to date on what’s coming up in the area, as are local chamber of commerce sites. Do a Google search for festivals in your town and see what you come up with.

But, we’ll save you a little bit of time here today by telling you about a few of the bigger festivals that are coming up in the next few weeks. If you want to get out and mingle with the community, these are good opportunities for you to do so.

Rehoboth Beach Jazz Festival (Oct. 13-16). Now this is not the kind of festival where you can set up a booth and market your services, but this is held at several locations around the resort and you can certainly get out there and meet your adoring public. Make sure you have some business cards at the ready and prepare for some fantastic jazz music.

Apple-Scrapple Festival (Oct. 14-15). This is the perfect festival for renting a booth and handing out your promotional materials, while shaking hands with as many people as you possibly can. This event in Bridgeville is very well attended, so you’re pretty much guaranteed to meet a lot of new people. Get them on your mailing list and worry about converting them later on.

Sea Witch Halloween & Fiddler’s Festival (Oct. 28-30). Another great event for setting up shop and talking with people who are out and about at one of the area’s final semi-warm weather events. This event has grown every year and is a great place for you to meet lots of people.

World Championship Punkin Chunkin (Nov. 4-6). This huge southern Delaware event returns this year after a two-year hiatus and is one of the area’s largest and most well known festivals.

Sussex County’s Return Day (Nov. 9-10). This is one you should definitely consider attending, both as a REALTOR® and as a local businessperson. Thousands of people come out for this event from all throughout the state, so it’s a chance for you to meet people you might not meet at other festivals. Set up a table, or just roam around with your business cards and meet as many people as you can. And it’s a great event to boot!

The SCAORCard – Issue #001 – Committees

Check out our next Meeting dates for each of our committees:

  • Affiliates – November 30th at 8:30 AM
  • Finance -October 19, 2016 at 2PM
  • MLS – October 24, 2016 at 9AM
  • Professional Development – November 3, 2016 at 1PM
  • Public Policy – October 27, 2016 at 9AM
  • Rental Affairs – November 16, 2016 at 8:30 AM
  • PCA – October 21, 2016 at 9:30 AM


The SCAORCard – Issue #001 – DAR

Congratulations to the DAR members appointed to serve on NAR Committees for 2017 during DAR’s 2016 annual conference.  Also, check out this PDF for the Delaware REALTOR® of the year press release.

Name Committee Name  Position  Start Date End Date  
BRAUNSTEIN, ERIC     Risk Management Issues Committee  Member: State Representative [Delaware] 12/1/2016  11/30/2017  
BROGAN, RICHARD F  RPAC Participation Council Member: State Representative [Delaware] 12/1/2016 11/30/2017
DEAN, FREDERICK Multiple Listing Issues and Policies Committee Member: At-Large 12/1/2016 11/30/2019
HARMAN, ROBERT R  Board of Directors State Allocated Director 12/1/2015 11/30/2018
HARMAN, ROBERT R Broker Involvement Council Member: State Representative [Delaware] 12/1/2016 11/30/2018
MCGINNIS, PHILIP J Federal Independent Expenditures  Advisory Board Chair 12/1/2016 11/30/2017
MCGINNIS, PHILIP J  Public Advocacy Advisory Group  Member: Committee Chair [RPAC Trustees Federal Disbursement Committee] 12/1/2016 11/30/2017
 MCGINNIS, PHILIP J  RPAC Trustees Federal Disbursement  Committee  Chair   12/1/2016  11/30/2017
 MCVEY, ROBERT F  Multiple Listing Issues and Policies  Committee  Member: State Representative [Delaware]  12/1/2015   11/30/2018
 MCVEY, ROBERT F  REALTOR® Party Member Involvement  Committee     Member: State Representative [Delaware]  12/1/2016  11/30/2018
 PLUMMER, BRUCE E   Membership Policy and Board Jurisdiction Committee   Member: State Representative [Delaware]    12/1/2014  11/30/2017  
 PLUMMER, BRUCE E  Professional Standards Committee  Member: State Representative [Delaware]  1/13/2016  11/30/2018
 RENDLE, ANNE   State and Local Issues Policy Committee  Member: At-Large  12/1/2016  11/30/2017
RIEDLE, BRADFORD B    Membership Policy and Board Jurisdiction Committee  Member: At-Large  12/1/2016  11/30/2019
RODRIGUEZ, MAXIMO T  RPAC Major Investor Council   Member: State Representative [Delaware]  12/1/2016  11/30/2017 
TAYLOR, BRIGIT R   Resort and Second Home Real Estate Committee  Member: At-Large  12/1/2016  11/30/2017
WILLIAMS, BAYARD  Housing Opportunity Committee  Member: State Representative [Delaware]  12/1/2016  11/30/2018


The SCAORCard – Issue #001 – Communications

Communications Plan Update:

It was our honor to be able to share a bit of our communications plan update at SCAOR’s General Membership Meeting this year.  In case you missed, or would like a re-cap, here’s what’s happening as of this week (10/07/16):

  • “At-a-Glance” Mondays – Weekly email of SCAOR news showing up in your inbox monday morning
  • Tech Tip Tuesday – Helpful Screencast Videos on how to do something with Technology
  • Throwback Thursday – Fun Pictures on the SCAOR Site of Past Pictures
  • Blog Post Friday – Articles, Podcasts, Videos – A random selection of helpful information for REALTORS
  • SCAOR Card – Monthly Communication regarding SCAOR News happening at the department level.  Communications, Public Policy, Finances, Education, Committees, DAR, NAR, etc.

Communications Stats:

We also got to share some great, interesting stats regarding the last Quarter’s worth of communication.  Check out the PDF here –



The SCAORCard – Issue #001 – NAR


We’re not there yet on lower owner-occupancy ratios for FHA condo loans. HUD says it needs more input before making it possible to get federally insured financing for buying a unit in a building with a lot of renters. Other stories look at help for struggling homeowners through the federal HARP program, which allows owners to refinance or even modify their mortgage if they have little or no equity or are underwater. The video also looks at the last home sales, and includes a message from the NAR president why real estate professionals should vote in upcoming elections. And it looks at a new audio podcast called The Takeaway that provides concrete ideas for agents. The first podcast looks at creating a board of directors for your practice.

Featured segments

  •  FHA condo financing 
  • Federal HARP refinancing and modification 
  • The Takeaway with Nobu Hata
  • Landscaping ROI 
  • Home sales 
  • Why you should vote


The SCAORCard – Issue #001 – Education

We caught up with Angela Emerson, head of our education department, and did a quick interview:

SCAOR:  We’re all really busy these days.  What’s the quickest way to keep all of our REALTOR® education organized?

Angela: “If you don’t have it already, I’d visit the SCAOR website to obtain the handy dandy checklist. It’s a great way to help you keep it all together. “

SCAOR: “What classes are you most excited about?

Angela: I’d say to be on the lookout for some surprise offerings…Here’s a hint…..November 18 we will have a special guest that guarantees to assist you with boosting your sales, performance, and customer experience-without being physically present. This guest will visually demonstrate value that only you can provide – in a way that makes your stand out from the competition. 

SCAOR: “Bonus – Do you have a favorite educational quote?”

Angela:  I do!  It’s by Abraham Lincoln:  “Upon the subject of education … I can only say that I view it as the most important subject which we as a people may be engaged in.”

So what’s happening with Education these days?

Here’s the low-down:

  • Do you know the name Doug Devirtre?  If not, you should.  He’s the national author of “Screen to Screen Selling”, and he’s coming to SCAOR in November.  Tickets go on sale soon.
  • NAR Ethics  – Knock out your Module 2 AND NAR Ethics on October 27th.  This course satisfies both the State of Delaware’s Module 2 – Professional Standards in Real Estate requirement. As an added bonus this course also satisfies NAR’s quadrennial ethics requirement.  Click here to join!
  • As always, if you have any questions regarding your educational requirements or any of SCAOR’s course offerings please don’t hesitate to give us a call or shoot Angela an email. 


Sussex County Association of Realtors

Phone: 302-855-2300 | Fax: 302-855-2319

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