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How do *YOU* Market a Listing in Southern Delaware?

How do *YOU* Market a Listing in Southern Delaware?

If you’ve grown up in the state of Delaware, you know fairly early on in life that there’s a vast difference in lifestyle depending on where you live.

You learn the difference between living “above the canal” and “below the canal,” and you learn to embrace the way of life where you are.  Here in Sussex County, there is also another unique dynamic: the vast difference between those who live near the 26 miles of Atlantic coastline on the eastern third of the county and those who live in the rest of the county.  So as REALTORS® who specialize in these unique and vastly different areas of southern Delaware, how do we vary our marketing to reach our target audiences? Well, there are many ways, some tried and true and some fairly new –

Here are a few of our favorites:

  • The Internet. Nearly everyone these days begins his or her home search on-line.  If you’re not advertising on the Internet, you should really reconsider. With more Millennials entering the marketplace every day, you simply need to have an online presence if you want to be successful.
  • Video Marketing. You don’t need to have these done professionally if your budget doesn’t allow for it, but marketing your properties these days using video is *extremely* effective. Consider spending a few extra dollars and making that home shine via a 30 or 60 second video.
  • Community Newspapers. In terms of marketing, it’s true that the Internet has taken over — but don’t discount your time-honored community newspapers. There are many people in Sussex County who still love to pick up the newspaper and enjoy it with their morning cup of coffee.  Habits and customs are still very important to many residents, and that includes reading the weekly and/or community newspapers.
  • Drone Technology. This can be used to market any property, but is really effective when marketing homes that are in planned communities, complete with amenities like swimming pools, clubhouses and golf courses. If you’re able to, use it as much as you can. If it’s still cost prohibitive at this point, wait for prices to come down (keep it on your wish list for the future). It really does make properties come alive in a unique way.

There are other methods, to be sure, but these are four of our favorites.

Remember: know your target market, your communities and your demographics before embarking on any marketing campaign.

Tech Tip Tuesday - #030 - MLS Map Searching

Tech Tip Tuesday – #030 – MLS Map Searching


Welcome back to Tech Tip Tuesday!

This is your ultra-fast, easy dose of the latest tech that can help your life as a REALTOR®.  Whether it’s using the MLS, Mobile Apps, or surfing around, we’ll give you the tools you need each Tuesday.

Tech Tip Tuesday – #030 – MLS Map Searching

Today’s Tip:

Today, we’re talking about MLS Map searching, and why it’s the preferred method of searching. There’s a lot of benefits to visual searching, and we can’t wait to share this video with you about how it all works!

SCAOR® Out in the Community!

SCAORCast – 08/22/16 – SCAOR Out in the Community!

Welcome to SCAORCast, your ultra-fast download of everything Sussex County Association of REALTORS®.  Here’s what’s happening for this week.  (Check our show notes at the bottom of this page for easy access to all of these links.) Our thanks to Schell Bros for sponsoring this episode.

This Week’s Show Notes & Links:

  • We’ll be appearing on DelmarvaLife on Wednesday, August 24th.  Be sure to watch!

  • SCAOR’S Board of Directors begins voting on September 1st.  Stay tuned for that!

  • Questions?  Comments?  Talk back to us and let us know.  We’d love to hear from you.  (And be sure to subscribe in iTunes, and never miss an episode again!)
Tech Tip Tuesday: Never Lose a Paper Document Again

Tech Tip Tuesday – #064 – Never Lose a Paper Document Again


Welcome back to Tech Tip Tuesday!

This is your ultra-fast, easy dose of the latest tech that can help your life as a REALTOR®.  Whether it’s using the MLS, Mobile Apps, or surfing around, we’ll give you the tools you need each Tuesday.

Tech Tip Tuesday – #064 – Never Lose a Paper Document Again

Today’s Tip:

Most of us have a lot of information to keep track of these days.  Receipts, phone numbers, ideas, projects, meetings and more.  There’s just a never ending influx of information coming our way.  Fortunately there’s some great software out there to help you tame all of that information.

Programs like Microsoft OneNote and Evernote are designed to ingest huge amounts of reference material, and sync it all in the cloud so your documents are available wherever you are.  I’m talking about book notes, shopping lists, receipts, copies of important documents, meeting notes, and more.  Let’s take a look at how it all works.

This is Microsoft OneNote.  Evernote works similarly, and both applications have their pros and cons.  They do both have free versions, and they also both have online web versions available, as well as mac, windows, android and iOS apps.

So, let’s get digitize some paper!  I’m going into one note for iOS, taking a picture, and you can see at the bottom, it says Document.  Snap.  Give it a name.  Let it sync, and now, I have a document I can add notes, recordings, if your  computer supports tablets.

SCARCEST - Interview with Rob Harman

SCAORCast – 08/15/16 – Interview with Rob Harman, REALTOR®

Welcome to SCAORCast, your ultra-fast download of everything Sussex County Association of REALTORS®.  Here’s what’s happening for this week.  (Check our show notes at the bottom of this page for easy access to all of these links.) Our thanks to Schell Bros for sponsoring this episode.

This Week’s Show Notes & Links:

  • We’ll be appearing on DelmarvaLife on Wednesday, August 24th.  Be sure to watch!

  • SCAOR’S Board of Directors begins voting on September 1st.  Stay tuned for that!

  • Questions?  Comments?  Talk back to us and let us know.  We’d love to hear from you.  (And be sure to subscribe in iTunes, and never miss an episode again!)

5 Tips for REALTOR® Safety Month Next Month

A career as a REALTOR® may not be as dangerous as being a police officer or a fireman or a race car driver. But life as a real estate professional does have hazards that come along with it, many of which you have likely encountered at one time or another in your career.

With REALTOR® Safety Month beginning in a few weeks, we thought we’d today mention a few ways that you can keep yourself safe.

Remember, safety should always be your number one priority. We want you to be productive and successful, but we also want you to safely return home.

Here are five situations to be aware of and steps you can take to protect yourself:

  • Allowing strangers into your car. You can try having your client follow you from listing to listing, those listings could be very far apart. So, it’s inevitable that, at some point, you’re going to have clients in your personal vehicle. While this is usually not a problem, there are times when danger can arise. If you must have people in your car with you, make sure you park in a location where you can quickly leave if you need to. And try not to park in an area where you’ll need to shift into reverse first, as that can take additional time.
  • Showing properties alone. As with the point above, there are going to be times that this can’t be avoided. But try to bring someone along with you whenever possible. Some other safety tips include letting others know where you are and always walking behind your client.
  • Entering vacant homes. You never know what you might find in a home that’s been left vacant for some time.   It’s a good idea to never visit these properties at night and always tell a friend or co-worker where you will be.
  • Open Houses. You never know who is going to show up at an advertised open house event, so use as much caution as you possibly can. Partner up with a co-worker when possible and never leave your valuables unattended. Also, make sure you always have your cell phone with you in case you need it in a hurry.
  • Meeting new people. As a REALTOR®, you’re going to be meeting new people on a regular basis. Be sure to always ask for identification and have them fill out a profile sheet so you know who you’re dealing with. Introducing them to co-workers is also a good idea, so others have seen what they look like. That way, at least one other person can identify them.

It’s always a good idea to take extra precautions in the course of your day-to-day business dealings. When in doubt, always err on the side of safety.

Sussex County Association of Realtors

Phone: 302-855-2300 | Fax: 302-855-2319

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