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Tech Tip Tuesday - #025 - Image Editing Overview

Tech Tip Tuesday – #025 – Image Editing Overview


Welcome back to Tech Tip Tuesday!

This is your ultra-fast, easy dose of the latest tech that can help your life as a REALTOR®.  Whether it’s using the MLS, Mobile Apps, or surfing around, we’ll give you the tools you need each Tuesday.

Tech Tip Tuesday – #025 – Image Editing Overview

Today’s Tip:

Have a distraction in your photos that needs removal?  Using a tool like your smartphone or photoshop can enhance your image’s clarity.  As long as you don’t change the story your image is telling, removing distractions is a fantastic way to enhance your images.

SCAORCAST - Join us in welcoming our new CEO on August 11th!

SCAORCAST – 07/18/16 – Join us in welcoming our new CEO on August 11th!

Welcome to SCAORCast, your ultra-fast download of everything Sussex County Association of REALTORS®.  Here’s what’s happening for this week.  (Check our show notes at the bottom of this page for easy access to all of these links.) Our thanks to the Berl & Feinberg, LLP for sponsoring this episode.

This Week’s Show Notes & Links:

  • Join us in welcoming Merritt Burke IV on August 11th at 3:30 PM at the SCAOR Office for a meet & greet with light refreshments.

  • Questions?  Comments?  Talk back to us and let us know.  We’d love to hear from you.  (And be sure to subscribe in iTunes, and never miss an episode again!)
Agreement of Sale for Delaware Residential Property Explained!

NEW – Agreement of Sale for Delaware Residential Property Explained!

July 14, 2016

Fellow Realtors®,

The new Agreement of Sale for Delaware Residential Property is approved, ready for use and accessible through both the dotloop and zipForms libraries. The previous form should be phased out by August 1.

Please share this information with your agents and with your IT staff as well. There have been some reports that email from DAR has been blocked by spam filters. DAR should be whitelisted in all company spam filters.

A series of videos is available to both summarize and explain the recent changes made to the Agreement of Sale. The complete version of the video can be found here. To help you find discussion on specific areas where change has been made, the video has also been sectioned into eight (8) parts:

Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Paragraph 3, Payment Terms
Part 3: Paragraph 4, Checkbox of Included Items
Part 4: Paragraph 6 and 7, Mortgage Commitment (Appraisal)
Part 5: Paragraph 11, Transfer Taxes
Part 6: Paragraph 21, Home Inspection
Part 7: Paragraph 24, Buyers Default
Part 8: Final Thoughts

Thank you for helping to ensure a successful transition to the new form.


Bob McVey, President
Delaware Association of Realtors®

Becoming a Sussex County Resident Year Round

New DelmarvaLife Segment – Becoming a Sussex County Resident Year Round

A few weeks ago, SCAOR®’s President-Elect, Brigit Taylor spent some time with Lisa Bryant discussing the great benefits to vacationers choosing Sussex County as a place to call home.  Check it out:

This latest segment on WBOC is one of six that the Association runs every year on the “Delmarva Life” program. (Be sure to check out the previous segment, if you missed that!) The goal is to inform and educate the public on what we do here at the Sussex County Association of REALTORS®. Past shows have included a wide range of topics, including rentals, commercial real estate, public policy issues, special events and many others.  Listen in as they discuss why choosing a REALTOR® is important to the home-buying process.

Taming Your Email Using Google Inbox

Tech Tip Tuesday – #024 – Taming Your Email Using Google Inbox


Welcome back to Tech Tip Tuesday!

This is your ultra-fast, easy dose of the latest tech that can help your life as a REALTOR®.  Whether it’s using the MLS, Mobile Apps, or surfing around, we’ll give you the tools you need each Tuesday.

Tech Tip Tuesday – #024 – Taming Your Email Using Google Inbox

Today’s Tip:

Today, we’re talking about taming your email inbox using Google Inbox App.  

Most people have more email than they know what to do with.  Inbox is Google’s latest attempt at helping you make sense of all that information overload.  First, Inbox is free.  You can get this app with any Google account.  And some of the features may make it worth even signing up for a new Gmail account if you don’t already have one, and forwarding your other email here.  Let’s check it out:

When you first see the interface, it looks a lot different than Gmail or outlook.  Let’s see how it all breaks down.  Your email is listed chronologically, with the newest stuff at the top.  When you have email that shows up that meets certain criteria, Inbox will group these emails into a smart folder called a “bundle” that reduces your inbox noise.  Stuff like trip confirmations, online orders, and receipts get sent there by default so that your main inbox stays clean.  Pretty cool.  Another really useful feature is the snooze button on email.  Let’s say I get an email that contains information I need to know about, but not until tomorrow.  Instead of letting it sit there and get lost, I can hit the snooze button, take the email away from my inbox for now, and have it show up tomorrow when I need it.  Very handy.

Let’s say somewhere in your list of 1000s of emails, there’s one or two REALLY important ones you don’t want to miss.  Use the pushpin button to make sure you never lose them.  These are like “starring” or “flagging” the email.  Then, when you hit the pushpin button at the top, it’ll show you only the ones you’ve pinned.  This is a great way to prioritize and triage an out of control inbox and answer the ones that need attention first.

Hopefully that’s been a helpful first look at taming your email using Google’s Inbox app, and that’s today’s Tech Tip Tuesday.

SCAORCast Monday – 07/11/16 – Interview with Brigit Taylor on WBOC

Welcome to SCAORCast, your ultra-fast download of everything Sussex County Association of REALTORS®.  Here’s what’s happening for this week.  (Check our show notes at the bottom of this page for easy access to all of these links.) Our thanks to the PCA’s Summer Social for sponsoring this episode.

This Week’s Show Notes & Links:

  • We have a few classes that are available this week.  Buyer Representation, Real Estate Documents, and Real Estate Professionalism. Head to to find out more and register.

  • SCAOR was featured on DelmarvaLife recently, where our very own President-Elect Brigit Taylor hung out with WBOC’s Lisa Bryant and talked the merits of owning a home in Sussex County.  Listen in as they discuss why choosing a REALTOR® is important to the home-buying process.
  • Questions?  Comments?  Talk back to us and let us know.  We’d love to hear from you.  (And be sure to subscribe in iTunes, and never miss an episode again!)
Why is RPAC important?

Why is RPAC Important?

During the current election cycle, attention has been focused on the large amounts of cash people are raising for their respective campaigns.

More importantly, where is that money coming from?

Well, the answers are simple.  For the most part, their funds originated from people or organizations who favor the opinions and ideology of a specific candidate.

As REALTORS®, regardless of our political affiliation, the one thing we have in common is that we are a part of the REALTOR® party.  That’s why we have the National REALTOR® Political Action Committee (RPAC) to protect our interests and support candidates who publicly support the American Dream of home ownership.

Many of you have generously supported RPAC over the years (and understand the importance of doing so). 

But the work of RPAC and of the REALTOR® Party is important in so many ways, and it can and does actively help us all in our businesses.

Here are a few ways how:

  1. By protecting your business against new regulations and fees. These can become burdensome and expensive if allowed to go unchecked, and it’s up to us to support candidates who will lessen the “red tape” for us and our businesses.
  2. By protecting the property rights of your clients. By contributing to RPAC, you’re helping elect leaders who will protect these rights and will fight to keep homeowners from being unnecessarily burdened by government.
  3. By educating leaders on REALTOR® A percentage of the funds raised through RPAC is used for spreading our message and illustrating how important the real estate business – YOUR BUSINESS – is to the American economy.

There are just a few of the ways contributing to RPAC can help your business locally, and can help further the REALTOR® cause regionally and nationally.

Won’t you consider investing even a small amount today through SCAOR?


Sussex County Association of Realtors

Phone: 302-855-2300 | Fax: 302-855-2319

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