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Tech Tip Tuesday – #023 – Beginner Level Task & Project Management

Tech Tip Tuesday – #023 – Beginner Level Task & Project Management


Welcome back to Tech Tip Tuesday!

This is your ultra-fast, easy dose of the latest tech that can help your life as a REALTOR®.  Whether it’s using the MLS, Mobile Apps, or surfing around, we’ll give you the tools you need each Tuesday.

Tech Tip Tuesday – #023 – Beginner Level Task & Project Management

Today’s Tip:

Today’s Tech Tip Tuesday,  We’ll be talking about how to get more done using a project manager.

In today’s world, maybe you feel like there’s more to do than you could ever get done in a day.  One thing that can help with that is a project manager.  The good news is that there’s a lot of good ones out there, and some are even available for free.

Today we’ll be showing an example using Wunderlist, which is what our staff uses to stay in sync.  It’s cross platform, meaning you can access it as a website, on your phone, tablet, using windows, mac, and more.  And best of all, you can try it out for free.  If you’re on a mac, some of my favorites are OmniFocus and Things by cultured code.  

Everyone’s seen a todo-list before.  The cool thing about these, though, is that they’re collaborative. They can hold an infinite amount of items – and if you have the program on your phone, they’re always with you.

You can use these lists any ways that make sense for you, but this video contains a few ideas for you.

Are You Using These 10 Marketing Tips For Your Listings?

Are You Using These 10 Marketing Tips For Your Listings?

Nowadays, there are literally hundreds of ways to market your properties with that end goal in mind. Think creatively and the sky truly is the limit.

However, there are a few mainstays, as well as some relatively new marketing concepts that have proven effective. These are methods you should definitely consider when marketing any of your properties, whether high end beach homes or single-family starter homes.

Here are 10 marketing tips to keep in mind when developing your marketing budget:

  1. Email Marketing.  If you have an email list, by all means use it. And if you don’t – the best time to start is now.  🙂   When you have a new listing, copy the MLS sheet and send it to as many people as you can along with a personal note. You never know who may be looking for a new property at any given time.
  2. Write An Effective Listing. Take the buyer’s perspective.  What would they notice or enjoy knowing about the property / home?  If it’s worth knowing, it’s worth sharing.
  3. Market Seasonally. The year always presents a predictable rhythm.  Why not leverage that rhythm to help sell your listings?  When’s the best time to market a beach house?  When’s the best time to focus on a house with solar panels?
  4. Use Social Media. You’d be surprised how many agents don’t use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other methods to market their properties. Joining the conversation online is a great way to remain top-of-mind for your clients.
  5. Always Publicize Your Cell Phone. If you’re comfortable doing so, include your mobile number in your marketing efforts. The more immediately people can reach you, the better your chances of landing a sale.
  6. Video Marketing. YouTube gives you a free means of sharing the experience of the house.  Adding a video tour gets your client that much closer to the sale.
  7. Use Your Website. All of your listings should be properly displayed on your personal Website. Include as much information as you can and all of your contact information.
  8. Write a Blog. Write a blog about each of your listings and post them on your Website.  You can embed the video tours (#6) & past client testimonials.
  9. Use Expert Photography. Photo quality is one of the first things potential buyers will notice about your listing is the photos.  Spending some of your marketing budget on professional photography is never a bad idea.
  10. Word of Mouth Marketing. This is the oldest form of marketing, yet still one of the most effective. Treat every client well and they will tell others; trust is the best currency!

What about you??  Do you have any “go-to” marketing tips that help you make the sale?  Join the conversation below!

SCAORCast Monday – 06/27/16 – New Salesperson? Don't Miss These Classes!

SCAORCast Monday – 06/27/16 – New Salesperson? Don’t Miss These Classes!

Welcome to SCAORCast, your ultra-fast download of everything Sussex County Association of REALTORS®.  Here’s what’s happening for this week.  (Check our show notes at the bottom of this page for easy access to all of these links.)  Our thanks to The Foundation’s Harvest Gala on September 29th for sponsoring today’s episode.

This Week’s Show Notes & Links:

  • We have a few New Salesperson Classes coming up.  There’s Module 3, Real Estate Documents on July 12th, and Modules 2 & 4, that’s Buyer Representation and Real Estate Professionalism on July 14th.  You can register for all of those by going to SCAORStore, and clicking on Classes.

  • Last Thursday was the ROTY and Good Neighbor awards, and the party for the Centennial of the term REALTOR®.  If you missed out, there was plenty of food, giveaways like an Apple watch and flatscreen TVs.  Congratulations to Dustin Parker, our Good Neighbor as well as Allison Stine for our ROTY.

  • One other quick piece of info: This is your reminder that MLS Billing is Due by June 30th.  Brokers need to check that everyone in their office has been paid, or the office is terminated and there’s a 50 reconnect fee for each individual.

  • Questions?  Comments?  Talk back to us and let us know.  We’d love to hear from you.  (And be sure to subscribe in iTunes, and never miss an episode again!)
Tech Tip Tuesday - #021 - Setting Up a New Account in RPR®

Tech Tip Tuesday – #021 – Setting Up a New Account in RPR®


Welcome back to Tech Tip Tuesday!

This is your ultra-fast, easy dose of the latest tech that can help your life as a REALTOR®.  Whether it’s using the MLS, Mobile Apps, or surfing around, we’ll give you the tools you need each Tuesday.

Tech Tip Tuesday – #021 – Setting Up a New Account in RPR® 

Today’s Tip:

Today, we walk through the simple process of setting up a brand new account in RPR®. It’s easy to do, and only takes a minute or two.   (Also, click here to find your NRDS Number.)

Will You Win the Apple Watch This Thursday? & "One Question With a REALTOR®".

SCAORCast Monday – 06/20/16 – Will You Win the Apple Watch this Thursday?

Welcome to SCAORCast, your ultra-fast download of everything Sussex County Association of REALTORS®.  Here’s what’s happening for this week.  (Check our show notes at the bottom of this page for easy access to all of these links.)  Our thanks to the 100 Year’s REALTOR® Party for sponsoring today’s episode.

This Week’s Show Notes & Links:

  • Remember to RSVP for the 100 Year Realtor Celebration happening on June 23rd.  We’re going to have an awesome reception-style party with food, music, awards and more, and it’s all free.  All you have to do is go to to register.

  • Today we have One Question with a REALTOR®: Trina Joyner sharing her advice for new agents.
  • Questions?  Comments?  Talk back to us and let us know.  We’d love to hear from you.  (And be sure to subscribe in iTunes, and never miss an episode again!)
Is Your Website ADA Compliant?

ADA Compliance

Here’s a question: Have you ever considered any problems the disabled might encounter trying to access or download information online?  

Unless you deal each day with these ideas, chances are that online access does not fall into that realm of thought.

There may come a day soon, however, where you’ll definitely need to add this to your online “to do list,” as courts around the country are currently deciding on the issue of whether the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) extends to the Internet.

Some courts have indeed found that websites must be made accessible to people with visual and other impairments. While the ADA itself doesn’t address this issue, that’s only because the 1990 legislation predates the widespread use of the Internet.

Looking toward the future, it may be prudent to make your websites ADA compliant today, before being forced to meet an arbitrary deadline sometime in the future.

But how can you do that? Well, here are a few tips:

  1. Contact your website expert and inquire about the current accessibility of your site.
  2. Learn how your site scores on the “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0” standards created by the World Wide Web Consortium.
  3. Learn about programs that add text descriptions to complex graphics, voiceovers that read aloud and/or transcripts of videos.
  4. Add a feedback form to your site so users can tell you about what accessibility features you may need to add or improve upon.
  5. BE PROACTIVE. Addressing these issues now can prevent legal and time sensitive problems later.

The National Association of REALTORS® recommends the above steps and others in order to ensure compliance with the ADA, both now and in the future.

Watch the video below to learn more about this issue:


How do you feel about this or other current issues going on in the world of real estate? Leave us your comments below and join in on the discussion.

Tech Tip Tuesday – #053 – Accessing DAR forms via DotLoop and Zip Forms


Welcome back to Tech Tip Tuesday!

This is your ultra-fast, easy dose of the latest tech that can help your life as a REALTOR®.  Whether it’s using the MLS, Mobile Apps, or surfing around, we’ll give you the tools you need each Tuesday.

Tech Tip Tuesday #053 – Accessing DAR forms via DotLoop and Zip Forms


Today’s Tip:

Today we learn about Accessing DAR forms via DotLoop.

We do already have an instructional PDF on how to access DAR forms via DotLoop, but we now have an additional screencast showing you exactly how it’s done.  (Also, click here to find your NRDS Number.)

Sussex County Association of Realtors

Phone: 302-855-2300 | Fax: 302-855-2319

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