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Tech Tip Tuesday – #012 – Intro to Targeted Ads in Facebook


Welcome back to Tech Tip Tuesday!

This is your ultra-fast, easy dose of the latest tech that can help your life as a REALTOR®.  Whether it’s using the MLS, Mobile Apps, or surfing around, we’ll give you the tools you need each Tuesday.

Tech Tip Tuesday #012 – Intro to Targeted Ads in Facebook


The Past…

Traditional advertising campaigns using television and radio used a shotgun approach where the sheer force of the amount of viewers meant that you’d possibly hit someone that resonated with your message.  The best you could do for targeting demographics was picking a time of day or a general channel for your ad to air on.

The real power of face book’s advertising lies in it’s ability to highly target the users you specify so that even though you may be hitting a smaller audience, there’s a higher percentage change that they’re the people who would be interested in your product or service.

So, Let’s Get Started:

Let’s use a real-world example.  We want to promote the Peninsula Commercial Alliance’s Wallops Island Event coming up on April 28th.  It’s a great event where people get to find out about business opportunities stemming from wallops island as far reaching as delaware, but reality is that it may interest some people more than others.  So we’re going to create what’s called a boosted post.

Here we have our ad’s text & the link for people to sign up for the evenbright link.  So, we’re all set.  Let’s click on boosted post, and under audience, we can limit it to people who already like our page, and that helps ensure the people that already like SCAOR are exposed to this ad, the next option is for two degrees of separation.  And the third option is the one that we’ll be choosing.  We can click “create new audience”, and define exactly who we want this post to reach down to age, preferences and more.

Next we set our budget.  We’ve allocated $25 dollars, and under this it’ll tell you some useful information about how many people you can expect to reach using this amount of money and this limited time window.  We then click “boost post”, and we’re all set!

That’s an intro to targeted ads in Facebook, and that’s today’s Tech Tip Tuesday.

SCAORCast Monday – 04/18/16 – ROTY Nominations, DelmarvaLife, and RSPS

Welcome to SCAORCast, your ultra-fast download of everything Sussex County Association of REALTORS®.  Here’s what’s happening for this week.  (Check our show notes at the bottom of this page for easy access to all of these links.) Today’s episode is sponsored by the Sussex Strong Foundation.


This Week’s Show Notes & Links:

Questions?  Comments?  Talk back to us and let us know.  We’d love to hear from you.  (And be sure to subscribe in iTunes, and never miss an episode again!)

WBOC Segment – A Day In The Life of a REALTOR®

We all know firsthand the responsibilities involved with being a REALTOR®. We know about the showings, and the questions, and the paperwork, and the legalities and the financing, and everything else it takes to be successful in the world of real estate in southern Delaware. But what does the general public think REALTORS® do all day, every day? Some probably only see the freedom of working for yourself or hear about the high commissions that can be generated.  They don’t see the hard work and the perseverance that a career in real estate really requires. They likely have no idea what it is that you do on a daily basis. We wanted to do something about that. So as part of our 2016 “Delmarva Life” schedule, we thought we’d do something a little different and feature a couple of SCAOR members in our “A Day in the Life of a REALTOR®” segment on WBOC TV.

This latest segment on WBOC is one of six that the Association runs every year on the “Delmarva Life” program. The goal is to inform and educate the public on what we do here at the Sussex County Association of REALTORS®. Past shows have included a wide range of topics, including rentals, commercial real estate, public policy issues, special events and many others.

The “Day in the Life of a REALTOR®” idea became a reality after discussions with members, as well as with the WBOC editorial team. It’s an attempt to provide a window into some of the challenges that REALTORS® face on a daily basis. What do you think?  As always, we’d love to hear from you.  Leave a comment below!

SCAORCast Podcast 04-11-16 – DelmarvaLife Segment, Marathon Classes, and Lock Box Audit

Welcome to SCAORCast, your ultra-fast download of everything Sussex County Association of REALTORS®.  Here’s what’s happening for this week.  (Check our show notes at the bottom of this page for easy access to all of these links.) Today’s episode is sponsored by the Peninsula Commercial Alliance’s Wallops: It’s NOT Just a Virginia Thing Event.


This Week’s Show Notes & Links:

  • Our next DelmarvaLife segment is airing on April 20th in the 5-6PM hour.  A Day In the Life of a REALTOR®!
  • Click here to sign up for our marathon class of Modules 1, 3, & 6.  Click here for Modules 2, 4, & 5.
  • Remember to start taking your lock box inventory now, and get ahead of the lock box audit!

Questions?  Comments?  Talk back to us and let us know.  We’d love to hear from you.  (And be sure to subscribe in iTunes, and never miss an episode again!)

1st Quarter 2016 Results Are In

If figures from the first three months of 2016 are any indication, Sussex County’s real estate markets are in for yet another solid year. And if the data remains strong for the next nine months, this could extend what is already a positive years-long trend here in southern Delaware. Partly due to the milder than normal winter, as well as a continuously strengthening economy and market, the 864 residential homes sold between Jan. 1 and March 31 reflect yet another strong quarter of real estate sales in Sussex County. This is good news for all of you, as home sales in southern Delaware continue showing strength year after year.

Countywide, the average sales price for a three-bedroom residential home continues to hover around the $250,000 mark, as it as for some time. Four-bedroom homes are selling for an average of just under $500,000 in Sussex County, with the majority of those properties selling in the coastal areas. And as the market continues to grow, our numbers here at SCAOR are growing along with it. We are continuing with our new member orientation classes, our training classes for newly licensed agents and our MLS training classes.   As for our local markets, only time will tell what the rest of 2016 holds. But we’ve enjoyed several years now of moderate, steady growth here in southern Delaware, and we expect more of the same for the remaining three quarters of this year. If you’d like a more detailed analysis of 2016’s first quarter data, be sure to pick up your favorite local newspaper over the next couple of weeks for the Association’s quarterly report to the media. Until then, keep up the great work everyone!  Keep showing and keep selling those properties. As always, these are listed on our calendar and on the SCAOR Store.


Tech Tip Tuesday – #010 – Advanced Interaction in Twitter


Welcome back to Tech Tip Tuesday!

This is your ultra-fast, easy dose of the latest tech that can help your life as a REALTOR®.  Whether it’s using the MLS, Mobile Apps, or surfing around, we’ll give you the tools you need each Tuesday.

Tech Tip Tuesday #010 – Advanced Interaction in Twitter


Today, we learn all about “at-mentions”, “hashtags”, and “direct messages”.  If you missed last week’s Introduction to Twitter, be sure to check that out first to get caught up.  Twitter’s basic communication building blocks are:

  • At Mentions (@UserName) – This is where you refer to someone publicly.  They see the notification – and so does anyone else.
  • Hashtags (#ExampleSubject) – Hashtags turn text into searchable, clickable terms.  Click on a hashtag to see what others are saying about the subject, or create your own!
  • Direct Messages (Click on Messages Tab) – These are one-on-one conversations between you and another user.  The rest of Twitter can’t see it.

Sound fun?  It is.  Jump over to Twitter and give it a try!

SCAORCast Podcast 04/04/16 – 1st Quarter 2016 & RSPS Designation

Welcome to SCAORCast, your ultra-fast download of everything Sussex County Association of REALTORS®.  Here’s what’s happening for this week.  (Check our show notes at the bottom of this page for easy access to all of these links.) Our thanks to Ward & Taylor, LLC for sponsoring today’s episode.


This Week’s Show Notes & Links:

  • Our first Quarter results will be published in this Friday’s blog post.  Look for it this week!
  • Click here to sign up for free MLS & Realist Training.  You can Click here for our marathon class of Modules 1, 3, & 6.
  • Interested in the RSPS Designation?  Click here to find out more!

Questions?  Comments?  Talk back to us and let us know.  We’d love to hear from you.  (And be sure to subscribe in iTunes, and never miss an episode again!)

Sussex County Association of Realtors

Phone: 302-855-2300 | Fax: 302-855-2319

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