The SCAOR Card – Issue #013 – From the CEO’s Desk

Managing a progressive trade association can be challenging at times; however with talented employees leading education, communication, membership and innovation SCAOR has a bright future. First, I would like to announce that Angela Emerson was hired by the Pinellas REALTOR Organization in Tampa, FL to lead education and ethics. We wish her the best, as she dedicated five years to SCAOR. Second, I would like to congratulate Patricia Anderson on her promotion to the Director of Professional Development for the Association. The Director oversees, schedules and coordinates all professional development programs. The Director also oversees professional standards and is the primary mediation/arbitration contact and coordinator. Ms. Anderson has a strong background in administration and has been employed by the Association two years working in several capacities including assisting with local advocacy efforts. Lastly, we wish Ben Kunde, MLS Administrator, a fond farewell as he is poised to join Bright MLS as a Solutions Architect at the end of November. Organizational change is never easy, but I assure you that a new team of professional and dedicated employees will take the reins in late 2017 to serve the members into the future. Please contact me directly at meritt if you have questions or comments on the transition.

Regarding Association projects and news, I would like to inform the members that the Bright MLS training workshops have been posted on the SCAOR website and within all SCAOR communication. Be the first to sign up for a Bright MLS training! The next BOD meeting is November 16 at 9 am with the 2018 Installation on November 30 at 4 pm at SCAOR. Come out and support the new Officers and Directors.

It has been a busy year for SCAOR. The BOD approved the transition to a new MLS in January, 5000 lockboxes were exchanged in July and now organizational change within the Association in October. I want to thank the staff for their hard work and long hours assisting members with countless requests while keeping the Association moving forward all year. 2018 should be a productive year under new leadership, so stay tuned and stay involved in your Association. We highly value you as we work towards making your business more productive and profitable.

Merritt Burke IV


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